What a delightful day! The weather was amazing, the setting superlative, the plan well-implemented, and all spirits were high – parents, staff and children alike.
The morning started off with a well-thought out trail run down the Lourensford polo field and into and around the orange-tinged vineyards below. Parents and children all joined the fun with much enthusiasm. One of our seniors, Ivan Coetsee, was the front-runner, and once everyone understood and could follow the route, he set a cracking pace and finished in record time. Many of the 3-6 year-olds participated and instead of walking as we expected them to, they ran ahead with the best of them.
The balance of the morning was filled with wonderful activities for all ages – a nappy dash for the toddlers, bike race, running races, volleyball, soccer matches, obstacle courses, a strongly contested tug-of-war between parents and staff / children and parents, team activities, swingball, dodgeball, relays and so much more.
Middle School children did a great job of providing hungry participants with delicious boerie rolls as they raised funds for their chicken coop project – although I see we had at least one dad who got in on the act and was then abandoned by the teenagers for a time!
The Parent Association sold ice-cold water and fruit juice which was much appreciated as the heat of the day kicked in. Jo Mostert, our Advisory Head, really got into the spirit of the day and acted as a commentator for the events – keeping everyone on schedule and bringing smiles to faces as she shouted into the microphone: “Lovely done!” (directly after which she asked, with much mortification, “what did I just say?”).
All in all, a wonderful day and many thanks to all who were involved in small and big ways – your contributions are noticed and valued. Thank you to the parents who supported their little ones – and their bigger ones – and for the lovely happy spirit that prevailed through the morning.
Click here for an array of delightful pictures