Newberry House Hosts the SA Orienteering Federation and Peninsula Orienteering Club as part of their School Mapping Project

On Saturday the 15 of April, Newberry hosted the South African Orienteering federation as well as Peninsula Orienteering Club PENOC as part of their School Mapping Project. The Mapping project aims to provide every school in South Africa with an Orienteering map of their school. The mapping course was attended by 18 people comprising of schools and individuals. The maps created can be used as a resource for teaching cartography in Geography and decision-making in Life Orientation, and serves to help the learners practice so as to compete in orienteering.

Working with PENOC, we will map our school as well as the surrounding Lourensford farm, to help establish Newberry as an outdoor orienteering school.

Lampies Lotter, one of our High School teachers, has already used his new found skills to prepare maps for our Family Fun Day and Trail Run later this month.


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